Manhoef and Hunt Post Fight Interviews
written by Monty DiPietro

Manhoef and Hunt shortly talk about their fight or rather what one can remember.

Melvin Manhoef (Winner)

What are your thoughts about the fight?
Melvin Manhoef: I can't really believe it but I did it. I'm glad it happened the way it did. It's nice to KO Mark because he's a former K-1 champion and he's 40 kilos heavier.

Melvin Manhoef vs. Mark Hunt, Dynamite 2008

Melvin Manhoef vs. Mark Hunt, Dynamite 2008

It was a sudden decision for you to fight, did you have any time to create a strategy?
Well, we weren't planning to have a fight so I wasn't training as hard as I could have, but my trainers noticed his weak spot, that he was always dropping his left, so that's what I aimed for.

Mark Hunt

Your thoughts about the fight?
Mark Hunt: I got caught and lost the fight.

Did the fact that your opponent was changed right before the fight affect your mental state coming into the fight?
Not really. I just got caught.

Mark Hunt

Mark Hunt

Did you see that right coming? It looked like you walked right into it.
Actually I only rememebr that one second I was in the ring, and the next I was back in the changing room!
